Know someone who’s getting ready to buy a home? They might be interested in these mortgage insights.

Learn more here.

Does the number 8,000 mean anything to you? Here’s what it has to do with retiring.

Learn more here.

Are your adult children still relying on you financially? Here’s how to help them find independence.

Just because your kids have moved out of the house doesn’t mean they’re out of your financial life. Six out of 10 (61 percent) parents with at least one adult child over 18 said they provided them financial help, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

But, eventually, empty nesters face the delicate job of shifting the bill-paying burden to their grown children. Covering your kids’ cellphone bill, car payments, credit cards and other monthly costs can’t last forever. Doing away with those bills, if possible, is a budget-friendly move.

Learn how here.

Many companies now help employees pay off their student loans. Is this the wave of the future?


Student loan debt has not only become more common, but the size of the average loan has nearly doubled over the past decade or so. Collectively, Americans carry more than $1.5 trillion in student loan debt.

Learn more here.

When do retirees typically spend the most money (and what are they spending it on)?

How much you spend will have a big impact on how well you live in retirement, according to new research from J.P. Morgan.

Learn more here.

Do you have a few hundred dollars to spare? Want to make the most of it? Here are a few smart (and fun) ideas.

Maybe you received a bonus at work, got lucky on a scratch-off lottery ticket or—unlike many disappointed taxpayers this season—you scored a sizable tax refund. If you have a grand to spare, we have recommendations on ways to spend it, including buying travel upgrades, creating a smarter home, making a difference for local schoolkids and much more.

Learn more here.

If you truly want to join the ranks of the super-rich, you’ll need to start thinking like you’re already one of them.

Many ultra-wealthy people seem to share a few common traits. What do you think?

Click here to read more.