Do you have money to invest, but you’re not sure where to put it?  The stakes are so high in investing that you should consider fee-only planners. They’ll give you a fixed price up front for their services, regardless of the product they recommend. You won’t have to worry about conflict of interest.

Click here to learn why  you need a fee-only financial planner.

Should I pay off my debt or start investing? This question, perhaps more than any other, has plagued investors for generations. Ironically, it is one that can be easily decided by using a bit of simple math.

Read more here.

The 401(K) has become America’s number one way to save for retirement.  The stock market’s recent bull streak has not only pushed the average 401(k) plan balance to record highs, but also boosted the ranks of a new breed of retirement investor: the 401(k) millionaire.  To join this “Million Dollar Club,” you need to learn all the right ingredients to this recipe.

Click here to read the article.