Many companies now help employees pay off their student loans. Is this the wave of the future?


Student loan debt has not only become more common, but the size of the average loan has nearly doubled over the past decade or so. Collectively, Americans carry more than $1.5 trillion in student loan debt.

Learn more here.

So when should you start saving for your kid’s college? The short answer is, as soon as possible.  However, you must fund your retirement first!  If you’re already putting enough away for retirement, start saving for your child’s college fund as soon as you can.

Click here to learn more about saving for your children’s college.  

Want Your Kids to Succeed — Don’t Pay For Their Education!

Larger contributions from parents are linked to lower grades among students at a variety of four-year colleges.  A new national study has found that the more money parents pay for their kids’ college educations, the worse their kids tend to perform, at least when it comes to grades.

There’s a tendency among parents with the necessary means to feel they have to cover all of their children’s college expenses. While that impulse is incredibly generous, I’d argue that parents should have their children shoulder at least some of the financial burden. Children are more likely to value the educational opportunity they’ve been given if they have some skin in the game.

Click here to read the entire Forbes article: