Financial Blog
Find helpful resources on everything from relocating and learning a new tax code to how to plan for your retirement at Horizons Wealth Management. Check out our latest blog post for helpful tips and considerations no matter where you are on your financial journey.
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Many Americans don’t have to worry about giving Uncle Sam part of their hard-earned cash for their income taxes this year. An estimated 45.3% of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax. To learn why, click here.
The #1 Tip to Help Maximize Your 401(k) Investing
Investing is the most important element of our financial future. Tony Robbins and Clark Howard recommend that people who have yet to invest in the stock market should ‘get in the game.’ Experts believe the financial market is still ‘winnable’. We agree. Don’t wait to invest. Get started with whatever you have. You can put […]
10 Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions
April brings showers, flowers…and taxes! You have a little over a month to go before the tax filing deadline, and if you’re in need of motivation, we have 10 money-saving tax deductions (and credits) to keep in mind. Millions of taxpayers overpay their taxes every year by overlooking just one of the money-saving tax […]
When Is It Time to Cut Your Kids Off From Your Finances?
Deciding when to let your children stand on their own can be tough, especially when they’re contending with student loans, underpaying jobs, or sky-high rents. But easing your kid’s entry into adulthood could be undermining your own financial security. According to a December survey from, three-quarters of parents are providing financial support for their adult […]
Don’t bother wondering why your friends seem to have nicer homes, cars, and vacations — there’s only one measurement that matters
Basing your spending off how your friends spend their money is a huge mistake to make. Large spenders may also be building crippling debt. You won’t find a real answer to how you’re doing in a Federal Reserve survey or a social media feed. You will find it by measuring yourself against rules of thumb, refined […]
Getting A Big Tax Refund Means You’re Doing It Wrong
Getting a big tax refund feels good, but it means you essentially gave the government an interest-free loan. If we hate paying taxes, then why do we consistently overpay them, collectively lending Uncle Sam some $300 billion year after year—interest free? Read more here:
GOP Tax Plan Calculator
How will the Trump tax plan change YOUR taxes? Will the GOP tax plan lower your taxes or raise them? The House and Senate are expected to pass the final version of the tax bill this week, but polling shows that most Americans don’t expect the bill to benefit them. With this calculator, find out if that’s the case. The […]
What to Buy (and Skip) on Black Friday 2017
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for shoppers. With huge sales and steep savings at nearly every retailer, Black Friday — the day after Thanksgiving — has long been touted as one of the best times of the year for buying just about anything. But it won’t be all discounts and deals during […]
Social Security’s Full Retirement Age Will Rise in 2018
The arrival of 2018 will bring with it several changes on the Social Security front. This slow increase in the full retirement age presents a challenge now that Americans are living longer and saving less. If Social Security is important in your life — or the life of someone you love — you should know about some […]
4 Post-Work Life Tips
How to have a long and healthy retirement: It’s a time when we’re supposed to find happiness, but post-work life is often associated with severe health problems. Below are some tips to help you live long and prosper. Source: