
Investing is the most important element of our financial future.  Tony Robbins and Clark Howard recommend that people who have yet to invest in the stock market should ‘get in the game.’  Experts believe the financial market is still ‘winnable’. We agree.  Don’t wait to invest. Get started with whatever you have.

You can put off some small things in life without consequence, but when it comes to investing, sticking your head in the sand simply won’t cut it. If you don’t know how to start investing, when to start investing or why you should invest, now’s the time to learn. The sooner you get started, the more time and interest can help grow your money.

To learn more click here.

If you’re like me, you recently drafted players for your Fantasy Football team. As you sat online with thousands of other fans and fanatics scattered nationwide, chatting about and nabbing the best running backs, quarterback and kickers for your imaginary team, you may feel you learn little about investing. Wrong call.

Fantasy Football is a billion dollar business that has more to do with investing than you might think.  The thought process involved with picking and managing your team can be similar to investing in your 401(k).

Here are mistakes to avoid on the make-believe gridiron and in our very real stock market.