
If you truly want to join the ranks of the super-rich, you’ll need to start thinking like you’re already one of them.

Many ultra-wealthy people seem to share a few common traits. What do you think?

Click here to read more. 

Most millionaires aren’t driving Lamborghinis and eating caviar. They’re driving reliable used cars and eating mashed potatoes and meatloaf. Millionaires aren’t wealthy because they’re lucky. They’re wealthy because they follow simple money habits year after year.

Click HERE to learn more about Dave Ramsey’s 6 Surprising Habits of Millionaires. 

Money Magazine shares their research on the success secrets of self-made millionaires.

Click here to read more.

Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates have all attributed their success to one factor. In fact, this one trait is behind the success of all people that have performed massively better than the average person.

Click here to find out what the trait is and how you can put it into practice in your own life and investing.

The 401(K) has become America’s number one way to save for retirement.  The stock market’s recent bull streak has not only pushed the average 401(k) plan balance to record highs, but also boosted the ranks of a new breed of retirement investor: the 401(k) millionaire.  To join this “Million Dollar Club,” you need to learn all the right ingredients to this recipe.

Click here to read the article.